JOnAS "Missing Manual" Available!
JOnAS Live, the first "missing manual" on JOnAS is available for purchase at SourceBeat. JOnAS Live is co-authored by Stephane Traumat, a JOnAS enthusiast since the early days. Stephane has in depth expertise on JOnAS and a long track record of public presentations about JOnAS and J2EE development in general.
JOnAS' online documentation is pretty good by open source standards. Yet, JOnAS Live comes as a complement, and also as a tutorial about how to get the best of JOnAS from very simple to advanced applications. The sample chapter is a good "getting started" manual in itself.
JOnAS' online documentation is pretty good by open source standards. Yet, JOnAS Live comes as a complement, and also as a tutorial about how to get the best of JOnAS from very simple to advanced applications. The sample chapter is a good "getting started" manual in itself.
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