OS3G - Open Source, 3rd Generation

A (humble) attempt to publish news from the trenches where Free/Libre/Open-Source Software is brought to the mainstream -- and Francois Letellier's blog, too

Monday, June 12, 2006

ObjectWeb Architecture meeting, Q2-06

The quarterly meeting was in Lille this quarter - hot weather, by the way, I was not expecting that! Hot presentations too, with a first talk by Peter Andersen about PalCom. Peter was so kind as to schedule his trip to Lille only 4 days in advance when we confirmed we had a slot for him. The project aims to research and develop a new perspective on ambient computing denoted palpable computing. This sounds well aligned with ObjectWeb's scope and we feel there may be opportunities to work together.

Impressive presentation by representatives of Orientware who presented the projects they work on, including that at ObjectWeb: PKU-AS, XService, ISTX, OrientwareCCM. I would say they talked of so much technology I just can't give an account of it.

Another day well spent!


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