OS3G - Open Source, 3rd Generation

A (humble) attempt to publish news from the trenches where Free/Libre/Open-Source Software is brought to the mainstream -- and Francois Letellier's blog, too

Friday, June 03, 2005

The Empire Strikes Back?

1 1/2 years ago at ApacheCon '03, Richard Monson-Haefel blogged about the "Rebel Alliance" between ObjectWeb and new incepted project Apache Geronimo. Quoting Richard: "The synergy, other than licensing, between ObjectWeb JOnAS/JOTM and Apache Geronimo appears to be excellent. Our development cultures are admittedly different but the differences actually strengthen our alliance rather than weaken it."

IBM is taking over GlueCode, the company on the payroll of which most Geronimo commiters were. While the first target for certification was August 6, 2004, Geronimo is still on the way to certification (JOnAS is certified since January 2005). Undoubtedly, the process of certification for Geronimo will be tremendously boosted. IBM went through this process as a J2EE licensee for WebSphere. IBM also has more manpower than GlueCode or the Apache community. It may definitely help. So IBM did not want Geronimo (a high risk project according to Apache standards) to perish should GlueCode go out of business. Sounds strange, since there were already two vibrant open-source J2EE projects around. Both LGPL. Hints in Lajos Moczar's "Open source monopoly".

In the near future, the user will have a choice between three open-source J2EEs: commercial (bait & hook) JBoss AS, nonprofit JOnAS, IBM Geronimo (or call it WebSphere Lite). As Jesús Villasante put it: "IBM says to a customer, 'Do you want proprietary or open software?' Then [if they want open source] they say 'OK, you want IBM open source.'"

Rebel Alliance anybody?


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